Community Safety

Your Schools and Neighborhood

Walking to school

Safety at Schools and Neighborhood Safer living starts with a positive attitude. Avoid danger by being alert, confident and assertive when you are walking to and from school:

  • Walk like you mean business
  • Maintain a confident appearance
  • Be aware of everything that is going on around you

Be prepared and comfortable

Plan your walk before you leave to make sure you know where you are going and what you may need along the way:

  • Find an easy way to get to school where there is less traffic and safer road crossings
  • Consider practical clothing and dress for what you are doing
  • Find out where the Safe Houses are on your route (see 'Safety Houses' link on the right side of this page)
  • Practice walking the route with your parents or someone you trust before school starts

Take care when there is no-one around

Take care with bags and money It is important to take extra precautions when there are not many people around, when you are in isolated places, late at night or early in the morning:

Take care with bags and money - When you are walking, hold your bag close to your body and carry it on the side of your body furthest from the road. Also:

  • Do not carry large sums of money
  • Keep cash hidden

Act quickly

If you think you are being followed, walk close to the road or cross to the other side. If your bag is grabbed, release it, and if possible, empty the contents onto the ground.


  • Jurisdiction Area of Police Stations
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