
Skype Phone Case

  • received a complaint that he received life threatening and abusive calls during mid night
  • Immediately we took our complainant phone number which belonged to Airtel and asked for CDR
  • In the CDR
  • + 4044
  • + 401
  • We asked Airtel to provide the details of the above phone numbers
  • Airtel replied us by saying that the calls were rerouted through VSNL.
  • We approached VSNL (Tata Communication) to trace the mentioned phone numbers for originator.
  • VSNL replied back by saying the phone was carried by VSNL but unable to provide originator detail as it is from USA / UK
  • We tried Skype ( and found that while calling some one from skype the same number ( 4044, 401 ) displayed at the receiver end.
  • sent a request to Skype
  • received the required email address to communicate and to fetch data from Skype.
  • sent notice to provide originator details
  • We received all the details along with call originator IP address.
  • After tracing all the above we found that one of the familly friend from Delhi was calling our complainant.
  • Case Traced.

  • Jurisdiction Area of Police Stations
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