

How to report a Crime?

Alert the nearest policeman on the street
Nothing like reporting crime to the policeman on the street directly!. This will ensure the quick reaction, sense of security in you and swift investigation.

If you do not see any policeman, then…
Dial 100 (Any Phone)
In an emergency or if you are facing immediate threat, dial 100 and ask for the police help. Information you give will be passed on to the local police without any delay. It’s always better if you give your contact number to the control room to guide the police patrols.

Going to your local police station
At the police station you will be asked to provide details of the crime and make a statement about the facts of the case. Depending on the contents of your complaint, Police will register a case under relevant sections. If you find the response at the police station inadequate, you can always contact divisional and zonal officers.

You’ll receive a FIR Number (crime number) that you can quote to find out about the progress of your case and to make any kind of claim.

Reporting a crime anonymously
It is not compulsory that you should give your identity when you report crime to police.
You can always convey the details you know about crime by dialing to local police station or write letters to police officers or send emails

Please Remember

  • By giving information about crime you will not be called to Police station as Witness
  • You will not be made as a witness against your consent
  • Even if you are a victim, your details will not be made public by police against your will

How to register a FIR?

One should make a call on 100 number immediately and contact nearest Police Station to register the FIR.

What is an FIR and why sometimes FIR registration is denied?

FIR stands for First Information Report. Whenever anybody reports about any crime which discloses cognizable offence then information is entered into a register. It is the right of complainant to get an FIR registered if his complaint discloses any cognizable offence. It is the right of the complainant to get one copy of FIR free of cost, immediately from concerned police station. FIR can be registered either on written statement or verbal statement of complainant which is later reduced in writing by Police Officer and is signed by the complainant.

If your complaint does not disclose any offence or your complaint discloses only non-cognizable offence, then FIR cannot be registered. In such cases where only non-cognizable offence is made out, Police officer will enter the substance of information in the general diary of Police Station and give copy of same to complainant. Another copy of complaint is sent to the concerned judicial magistrate for further action. Police does not have powers to investigate a non-cognizable offence without the orders of the magistrate.

How does one procure a new Arms License?

By submitting an application in 'A' form with Rs. 5/- Court fees stamp

How much time it takes to get a new Arms License?

Minimum 2 months.

What is the procedure to procure a New Arms License?

The application form is sent to the concerned Police station. The Police station makes an enquiry and submit the report to the Zonal DCP who interviews the applicant and submits his report. Once convinced by the reports, the licensing authority issues the license.

Which documents needs to be submitted for obtaining a new Arms License?

  1. Copy of Ration card
  2. Election card
  3. Last 3 years I.T. certificate/chalan copy
  4. Two character certificates from the responsible citizens of your locality
  5. Physical fitness certificate
  6. Education Qualification certificate
  7. Proof of age

How to renew the Arms license?

If the renewal is not late, fill the renewal form and affix Rs. 5/- Court fees stamp. Produce weapon and license for inspection at CFC. Pay the renewal fees. Renewal will be done immediately.

What is the procedure for obtaining a temporary license for the programs to be performed on an open ground?

  • An application should be submitted in the Citizens' Facilitation Centre, Commissioner of Police Office compound, Crawford Market,in prescribed format, by affixing court fees stamp of Rs. 5 on it,
  • An application should be submitted 15 days prior to the program along with certified copies of the following documents:
  1. NOC from the landlord
  2. NOC from Traffic Police
  3. NOC from the Fire Brigade
  4. NOC from Electrical Inspector, Industry, Energy and Labor Department
  5. NOC from the Health Department of BMC
  6. NOC from the Collector (If there is ticket selling or charity show)
  7. NOC from the Rangabhumi Parinirikshan Mandal
  8. Certificate regarding Fitness of Machinery (in case of amusement rides)

Which are the Licenses required for holding programs on the open ground?

  1. NOC (for erecting structure/stage)
  2. Ticket Selling License
  3. Premises License
  4. Performance License (Application to be made to the Divisional Asstt. Commissioner of Police)
  5. Loud speaker License (Application to be made to the concerned Police Station.)

How to apply for a fresh Swimming Pool license?

a) any person desiring to maintain a swimming pool may apply to the Licensing Authority for a license in that behalf. The application shall be accompanied by a plan of the swimming pool and the applicant shall furnish such information as may be required about the applicant?s interest in the swimming pool and other matters relevant to the keeping and conduct of the swimming pool.

b) On receipt of application NOCs/ recommendations of the district DCP, DCP/Traffic and Medical Officer of Health department, SAI Coach, Water test report is called. On receipt of positive reports/recommendation, a swimming pool license is issued to the applicant on the payment of Rs.30/-

I have lost my mobile. How to lodge my complaint?

Go to your area Police Station and record your statement in Daily Diary and get the copy of the same free of cost.

If my complaint is not registered, whom should I contact?

If your complaint does not get registered, you can contact your area SHO. You can lodge your complaint by sending an SMS on 0124100 and on 100 number, write a mail to CP or Jt. CP immediately, and you can also register your complain online by clicking here.

My neighbours play music at high volume, whom should I complain?

You can dial 100 number, send SMS or E-Mail.

My neighbours are throwing garbage in front of my house, whom should I contact?

You can dial 100 number send SMS or E-Mail.

Illegal liquor is being sold in my colony, whom should I contact?

You can dial 100 number send SMS or E-Mail. You can also contact to your area SHO.

I am getting blank calls from a mobile, what should I do?

You can dial 100 number send SMS or E-Mail. You can also contact to your area SHO.


  • Jurisdiction Area of Police Stations
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